Friday, July 23, 2010

Getting Back in the Saddle

It is a total whinge but I am feeling the need to put it in writing so that I feel less frustrated!!

For the first time in over 10 years I have had to put together a resume. I have forgotten how you have to talk yourself up, go over every little detail of every little part of every little job you have ever done and then send it to as many people as possible!!

My story... I have been self employed since being made redundant in April 2010 - and loving it - but for a variety of reasons (including the need for a steady, regular income & my husband losing his job!) I am applying for a full time job working for someone else. Redundancy after 8 1/2 years knocked the wind out of me (as with most people) and it has taken me 15 months to realise that I am actually good at what I do and to have the confidence to start to tell other people again.

So here I am churning out cover letters and resumes. What has shocked me the most in this process is the way potential employers treat potential employees. OK, I understand that in most cases they are dealing with a lot of applications (sometimes in the 100s) but there is no excuse for never getting back to the people sending in their resumes (who obviously think they might be able to do the job!). Even receiving the mass mail out saying thanks but no thanks is better than not hearing at all.

My husband said 'give them a call' but phoning is a waste of time as you are spoken to with annoyance by someone that doesn't give a damn and is finding the whole process an intrusion into their daily lives.

Now I should add here that I have been in the position to employ many people over my working life. I have always treated everyone applying for a job with the utmost respect - didn't think there was another way!! Isn't that what everyone does? Ahhh, but now I know that isn't so.

Blah, blah, blah...

Oops! Blog posts are supposed to be short so I will wind this up now (and maybe have another bleat another day!)...

29 July 2010 Post script: Had the shock of my life yesterday when I got a call back from a multi national company which obviously has a great local culture. The lady apologised for taking a day to return my call and then went on to tell me where my application was at (had been put forward as an option to the relevant department etc). By the end of the call I wasn't even worried if I made it to the next stage as I was so impressed that they had treated me like a human being and not just a number! Ok, so maybe I wouldn't mind getting to the next stage... :-)

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